- Confirmation from you that it is original content and that you are the owner of the content.
- Explicit permission allowing us to post the image/photo/text on this site and/or Facebook page. We assure you that we will NOT be using you image/photo for merchandising purposes. If it makes you feel better, you can add something in your e-mail to that effect (ex: "This photo/image/text is not to be used for merchandising or cannot be published in print media without the owner's consent"). If we ever get a book deal, we will contact you before proceeding to publish anything. ;)
- Your name and contact info. If it's a photograph of a cosplayer, please include the photographer's name as well as the cosplayer's name. If you have a release form from the cosplayer, even better. (For the most part, an e-mail from the cosplayer saying "go for it!" will do.) Links to your website or other works are always good. :)
Written Contributions:
Despite trying to pass ourselves off as a parody/satire of an 1980s DIY punk/metal fanzine, we still hold ourselves to somewhat- Does this article somehow connect DC comics with the social culture of the 1980s?
- Is this article expressing a new idea that hasn't been expressed before?
- Is this a nostalgia piece, with a first-hand account of your point-of-view about something that was printed/published by DC comics from 1977 to 1993?
- If it's an interview with an artist/writer/letterer/inker/editor: was this person involved with DC comics during 1977 to 1993? Are they currently working on a DC comics character that was featured during 1977 to 1993?
We ask that submissions contain proper grammar and citations if you are quoting someone. If you need a quick refresher on citations, check https://www.reading.ac.uk/internal/studyadvice/StudyResources/Reading/sta-references.aspx and http://lanecc.libguides.com/c.php?g=391383&p=2658670
Also, DC in the 80s reserves the right to REFUSE any submissions.*
Please send submissions to dcinthe80s@gmail.com.
*Please note: we're *trying* to keep this site as "Work Friendly" as possible, so any submitted cosplay photographs or fan art that is too profane (ex: too 'cheesecake', nudity, over-the-top gore, offensive to a specific demographic) will most likely NOT be considered for posting. But don't worry, we'll most likely send you an e-mail explaining why we decided not to post it.
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